Wednesday, December 28, 2016

WHY Claire is Ready to go Back

I haven’t been home for break even a week and yet I am ready to go back. No, I don’t mean I’m ready to jump back into school mode. I am loving break for that reason. I’m talking about a reason that I wasn’t really prepared for. I am talking about being back in my dorm, where I have been living (3 weeks in my single). I am talking about my routine. I am talking about being with my friends. I’ve grown accustomed to a certain way of living and I miss it. I have so much time on my hands, I don’t know what to do with myself. I am reading. I am napping. I am Netflixing. I am doing things to fill my day. Some of it brings me joy, like I’m reading a new book that I have wanted to but didn’t have time for, but mostly it’s just to fill a void. I took a three hour nap in the evening after getting up for the day a mere four hours earlier. That’s saying something.

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